The Avalon fly was developed in Cuba specifically for Cuban permit. Mauro Ginevri with help from Cuban guides worked for a few years to get the fly to fish exactly how they wanted, fast sinking, hook point up. It also moves like the large shrimp on the pristine Cuban flats.
This fly has two distinct innovations, a weighted keel and the “delta” shaped rabbit hide wing. The keel insures the fly fishes with the hook point up, the unique wing gives the fly efficient bulk and great motion.
The final version of the Avalon Fly was an immediate hit. It’s unique features have been copied since it was introduced in 2012 and has been responsible for hundreds of permit being brought to hand. The Avalon Fly catches other fish too, in fact it may be the fly with the most Slams of permit, bonefish and tarpon.
S.S. Flies ties the Avalon to the original standards with rabbit hide wing and twisted marabou for the body. We’ve had many customers tell stories about testing different Avalon flies with Cuban guides ours always wins the highest accolades if only because the original is a great design and we pay close attention to the details.
Our Avalon fly comes in the original #2 Gamakatsu sl12s and a light weight keelless #4 for bones in skinny water.